**ALERT!!** Yellowstone Supervolcano Quakes Galore! 116 Earthquakes That the USGS Admits To! (Video) Supervolcano Super Activity!


**ALERT!!** Yellowstone Supervolcano Quakes Galore! 116 Earthquakes That the USGS Admits To! (Video) Supervolcano Super Activity!

Click the picture for link to this video message!!

#yellowstone #severeweather  #volcano #supervolcano #fukushima #quake #magnitude #severeweather #earthquake #prophecy #shaking #japanquake #tsunami #usgs #noaa #perfectstorm #mothernature #judgment #endtimes #revelation #drill #lunar #solar #sun #cme #bloodmoon #magnitude #haarp #censorship #roadmelting #thermals #fracking #magma #tremor #seismic #geological #swarm #uptick #drilling #tornado #flood #hurricane #tsunami #storm #solarradiation #lightening #geomagneticstorm #polarshift #suchi #radiation #contamination #lava #disease #death #fuku #nuclear #ringoffire #tropicalstorm #lavamelt #spike #methane #gas #sulfurdioxide #deception #magmaintrusion #montana #radiation #snow #hail #crater #landslide #mudslide #death #weatheraberrations  #weatheradvisory #traveladvisory #cancelledflights #winterstormwarning #temperature #inland #coastline #mountains #desert #degree #frozen #heat #ice #shutdown #closed #airport #Geodetic #vertical #velocities #polarmotion #geophysical #eruption  #caldera #supervolcano #usgs

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Wildlife Encounter in Colorado: Kill or be Killed?

I am hiking across acres of Southwest Colorado with my fabulous best friend, a Black Mouth Cur that I named, appropriately, “Blessing” on our morning “walk” through the fields and woods of the farm where we now live.  It is out … Continue reading

MUST SEE! An “AH HA” Moment Comes! I Have Always Wondered How on Earth Those Who Are Deceived, Such as the Illuminati, Buy Into Their Crud!

Originally posted on Revive:
I Have Always Wondered How on Earth Those Who Are Deceived, Such as the Illuminati, Buy Into Their Crud! ? I mean, don’t they KNOW that they LOSE when it is all said and done? Have…

Headlines Are Matching Bible Prophecy. NOW What to Do? Am I Prepared or Have I Missed an ESSENTIAL Element? (Video)


Have you been noticing the recent, as-in this year’s, headlines?  And how they are matching Bible prophecy? Are you prepared for what your personal future holds?


When I was a new Christian, I was advised by well-meaning fellow Christians to expect an attack from the enemy of my soul whenever I reached a new milestone or victory in my Christian walk. So what did I do? I waited for it, because I was expecting it!

Ok, sometimes I need things spelled out for me. ABC, 123 style. It never occurred to me to prepare, I only waited. And when “it” happened, I trudged through it rebuking as I went, seeking yet another victory only this time victory over the attack. Yet, I could have avoided the attack by preparing! See the mess, the vicious cycle that I was in?

Is our future uncertain? I do not think so…

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When the Impossible Becomes Possible: Sometimes It’s the Little Things

When the Impossible Becomes Possible: Sometimes It’s the Little Things

Sunday, November 9, 2014 14:43

When the Impossible Becomes Possible: Sometimes It’s the Little Things

November 09, 2014

I was on a hike with my dog Blessing in the middle of a national forest this morning when I needed to take a break. I had settled next to one of the multiple pine trees and as I was fiddling with my stuff my glasses fell off. No big deal, I’ll pick them up in a second after I finish with what I’m doing here.

Later we continued on, Blessing chasing after chipmonks and squirrels while I marveled at the beauty of the woods even though the scenery has changed drastically with the cold and freezing weather we have been having; the starkness creating a black and white old-photo look.  It’s still pretty in my mind and it’s wonderful to be able to be out and about, particularly with my wonderful Black Mouth Cur, “Blessing”.

I stumbled upon what I thought could be old bones and I wondered why I couldn’t quite make it out.


No wonder I was having difficulty!  Then I realized that my glasses were way back there, along side a tree. Along side a tree that looked like hundreds of other trees! I’m in a dense forest for Petessake, NOT on a trail. We have been bushwacking and meandering, WHERE could I have left my glasses?!

It did not take long for me to realize the IMPOSSIBILITY of this situation. How far had we hiked since my break? Did we head out straight ahead? No, we bushwacked for a while. Was it a big tree, was it a smaller tree? Oh, this is sooooo impossible!! THERE ARE SO MANY TREES!

I had only one course of reasonable action. Pray.

So I did. Nothing fancy, not long, just a request for help finding my glasses. Did I have a heaping dose of faith? Nope. Just a prayer for the impossible to be possible, would He even answer such a minor thing when He has intense global issues, healings, protections and provisions, and millions upon millions of prayers to respond to?

We start back, and the more ground I cover the more I am convinced I am totally doomed. Blessing doesn’t mind, she is happily rechecking for little critters to harass. I wished I could say, “Blessing find my glasses. Go girl, go to where we stopped before.” but her understanding, although remarkable, would not comprehend my request. Feeling defeated, overwhelmed with the “unattainableness” of the situation, I prayed again, “Oh please, Lord. PLEASE help me find my glasses!”

I looked down to take another step and what do I see (WITHOUT my glasses on at that) are … YES! My glasses!! My colorless frames blending in with the fallen leaves, so very hard to see, so very hard to find .. right there at my feet. I had acres to cover, and my Lord directed my stumbling path to this very location. Talk about a needle in a haystack, this was a glowing example!!

I don’t know if this is a “you had to have been there” thing for others to grasp the total mind-blowing moment when I saw my glasses there, right where I had left them. The IMPOSSIBILITY of my making it back to that exact spot. What are the extreme odds?!

I began to cry and I spoke to my Lord, “God, You blow my mind. This was such a minor thing and You helped me. You answered that prayer of This Is Impossible, But Can You Help. Thank You God, Thank You so very much!”  and I continued to shake my head at the incredibleness of this situation and thanked Him again and again sporatically as we trekked.

As we continued our hike, I wept off and on.  Why? I am so humbled that He cares so much.  I told Him, “If You care this much about such a trivial thing in my life … Lord, oh how much more You care about souls!! Your love and willingness to Personally interact with mankind is so beyond my mere human comprehension!”


I don’t know what situation, what IMPOSSIBLE situation you are facing right now. What I do know is, that I was led to post this “minor miracle” in my life to give you hope. Because God is no respector of persons. Meaning that He does not favor one person or their needs over another. He knew in advance each person who would read this and He is using this to speak to you.  I sincerely hope that you’re listening to Him and that you will respond to whatever it is that He has for you. You may think it’s too trivial to bother Him with, or it may be so huge that your faith was weakened. Hear this:


Talk to Him!